Proposed Structure of Government of Pakistan
Structure Description:
- President: Elected by one person one vote by individuals 21 and over, with at least 66% of the votes.
- Cabinet of maximum of twenty competent ministers appointed by the President of his choice without any pressure.
- Provinces divided into Divisional administrations (equal population). Names by local people's choice.
- Senate: Two members from each Division.Elected by people by one person-one vote.
- House Representatives: Ten members from each division, representing one of ten Sub-divisions. Elected by people by one person-one vote.
- Divisional Administrators: Appointed by the President.
- Divisional Legislative Body: Twenty members elected. One from each of ten Sub-divisions.
- Parliamentry committees will be formed to provide effective check and balance to the President.
- Committees will be formed at the Divional level legislative bodies to provide effective check and balance to the Administrators.
- Laws will be enacted to provide check and balance and hold President and Adminstrators from doing things beyond what constitution and laws of the land allow.
- NAB will keep a watch over President, Adminstrators, Elected members of the legislative bodies, Ministers, Bureaucrats and other authoritative officials having control over government funds.
- Judicial structure will provide independent and swift justice
Federal Level Ministries (with Departments under them):
Religious & Minority Affairs: Islam, Minorities, Human Rights, Social Issues.
Finance: Budget, Finance, Planning, Banking Sector, Stock Exchanges, and Revenue (Taxation/Customs). Micro-finance.
Commerce: Export Policy, Quality Assurance, Intellectual Property Protection(TM&Patent), Regional and othe Strategic Economic cooperation agreements and Developing Export Markets.
Industry & Investment: Investment Promotion, Recycling Industry, Minerals, Chemical, Stones, Food Processing, Leather, Textiles, Handi-Crafts, Oil/Gas, Fashion Industry, Small industries and Other industries.
Education: Schools, Vocational Schools, Higher Education, Research/Innovation, Adult education, Teachers Training and Curriculum Development.
Transportation: PIA, Railways, Urban Transportation, Infra-structure Maintenance&Development, Road Safety and Highway Police.
Information: Government Information, Media, PTV, PEMRA, Social Engineering, Educate people about basics of Democracy, Politics and Economics.
Energy and Water: Electricity, Alternative Energy Sources(Sun, Coal, Wind, Tidal etc.) and Water (Building reservoirs, Maintaining Rivers & Canals), Building&Maintenence of Dams.
Tourism & Culture: Tourism development, National Parks, Historical Places, Heritage, Culture, Arts, Theater and Cinima.
Health and Human Development: Health, Children Development, Women Affairs, Population Control, Baet-ul-Mal and Drug Control.
Defense: Defense Forces Affairs: Army, Air Force, Navy and Rangers. Defense Production.
Foreign Affairs: Foreign Policy, Kashmir, Islamic countries, China, South Asia, Central Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Far East Asia/Australia.
Agriculture: Strategic Planning for Agriculture, Food Security, Directing Farmers on crops, Seed Development and Food Storage.
Information Technology: Computerize all Federal, Divisional and Sub-Divisional departments, Conversion of Records into Soft, Develop Outsource Industry, Develop Internet Infra-structure, IT Education, Provision of Computer/Internet at grassroot level, IT related manufacturing industries.
Justice: Law, Attorney General and FIA.
- Internal Affairs: Immigration, Federal Police, Land Reforms and Overseas Pakistanis.
- Environment: Enviornmental issues, Wild Life, Jungles, Animal Protection&Control and Cleanliness.
- At Large: Sports, Volunteerism, Directorate for NGOs.
- Hierarchical structure of government. No duplication and overlapping.
- A hierarchical governing system would improve the governance and the systems of government will work better with improved productivity.
- Division of provinces will help eliminate the inherent inter-provincial and federal-provincial animosities.
- Instead of elected administrators appointed administrators will help do away with federal-provincial always on-going political wrestling.
- Built-in good check and balance system for President.
- When President is elected by one person one vote; poor and middle class will have good representation in government.
- Each individual will have a say who leads him rather than who has more seats in National Assembly.
- A President will be elected by people who they deem as competent but not one who has most power and money.
- No need for electoral system as it takes away the right of the voter (has similarities with parliamentary system).
- Military estbalishment will know their role and boundries. Corrupt and opportunist politicians have forced military establishment to over step their constitutional boundries. Under the status quo military must not be blamed for its role that it is playing(period)
- No opportunities for lotacracy.
- No confrontation between federal and provincial level governments (as provinces divided into divisions).
- A big national wealth savings on ministers and advisers, on both federal and provincial level.
- Will be able to reduce budget deficit and also reduce and eventually pay off outstanding loans.
- Least levels of governments. Smaller government.
- No ceremonial positions as our country cannot afford them.
- Less politics more public service to people.
- Minimal number of persons involved in government (least chance of corruption) as parliament system allows corruption.
- Better consistent governance.
- Uniform implementation of policies.
- No danger of government fall or change in the mid-term.
- Standardization of government and consistent policies for every region of Pakistan.
- Equal opportunity of development, education, for every region and each individual.
- Divisional Administrators running divisional level police, sanitary, parks, enforcement of local & Federal laws and policies etc.
- Divisional Legislative body to provide check and balance to Administrator and make local laws.
- Divisional level and sub-divisional level offices for the ministries implement federal policies and bring benefits to the grass-root level in an effective and fast manner.
- Same education standards and syllabus with some provisions for regional
language and culture, through out the country.
- Divisional level law enforcement will improve the law and order situation.
- No senators or representatives will be awarded any money for spending as it renders them to be corrupt and they spend the money on their political activities instead of good of people.
- People do not want to pay tax because they feel that government wastes money. Money is not spent on necessary things like education, social services like medicine, etc. This system will change that apprehension and attitude.
- Equal opportunity for everyone poor, middle class or rich to be part of government.
- No blame game for inaction or wrong action between different levels of governments.
- No more generational (maroosi) politics. System will provide opportunities to new faces to come forward and lead who are sincere and want to do good.
- No multiple grants and expenditures at multiple levels to sway political favors their way.
- Least bureaucracy.
- Saving of national wealth to invest in different sectors to create jobs to alleviate poverty and to provide required utilities and services to common people.
- No creating unnecessary jobs and hiring incompetent people in government institutions to pay back political favors.
Benefits of New Proposed Govt. Structure:
Demand this govt. structure and see how we can have a stable govt. for a long haul with people in charge who are sincere, honest and committed to the sovereignty, stability and economic and social wellbeing of Pakistan.
Let us fight to get this system in place before the next elections, or else we will have the same old people in place taking turns in looting wealth of Pakistan and doing absolutely no good in return!.